Open Sourcing pelican-blue theme used in this blog

This blog is a static site generated by Pelican Static Site Generator, Powered by Python Programming language. If you are using Wordpress or any other blogging engine, you should think to move to Static Site Generators like Pelican or Jekyll. Static sites are faster, the load time of this blog as tested on Pingdom is 540ms. Static Site Generators offer the following benefits.

  • Speed
  • Security
  • Less Hassle with the server
  • Comments can be setup with Disqus
  • Free hosting on Github Pages

Pelican-Blue is the Pelican theme used in this blog. The theme is now Open Source and hosted on Github -



  • Responsive (Mobile Friendly Test on Google)
  • Fast (Load time tested on Pingdom: 540ms)
  • Syntax highlighting for code blocks
  • Disqus for Comments
  • Google Analytics
  • RSS/ATOM feeds
  • Easy to install


You can install Pelican-Blue theme to your earlier Pelican project or create a new project from the Pelican Quickstart guide.

  • Clone the repository
    $ git clone
  • Create a THEME variable in your file and set its value to the location of pelican-blue theme.
    THEME = 'path-to-pelican-blue-theme'

If you have placed the pelican-blue theme inside your project's pelican-themes folder, change the THEME variable in to

    THEME = 'pelican-themes/pelican-blue'
  • Add the following code to your file to display the social icons.
    SOCIAL = (
        ('linkedin', ''),
        ('github', ''),
        ('twitter', ''),
  • That's it! You have installed pelican-blue. To see the Theme in action run the devserver
    make devserver

Note: If you are new to Pelican Static Site Generator, you can read the Pelican Docs to learn the working of Pelican. You can also customize the theme after reading the documentation.


Pelican-Blue theme use the following settings. You can add the following to your to get the site shown in the screenshots.

    SIDEBAR_DIGEST = 'Programmer and Web Developer'

    FAVICON = 'url-to-favicon'


    TWITTER_USERNAME = 'twitter-user-name'

    MENUITEMS = (('Blog', SITEURL),)

When developing locally, set the following variable:

    SITEURL = 'http://localhost:8000'

When you are ready to publish your site add the following settings to file

    SITEURL = 'http://your-domain-address'

    FEED_ALL_ATOM = 'feeds/all.atom.xml'
    CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = 'feeds/%s.atom.xml'

    MENUITEMS = (('Blog', SITEURL),)


For more information on publishing your site, read the publishing docs

Thanks for reading.

By @Parbhat Puri in
Tags : #opensource, #web, #Programming, #html, #python, #pelican,

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